command line
the useful command line on linux
the test command platform is ubuntu 20.11.3 of armbian
in bash , use the Tab to complete arguments or list all available commands and ctrl - r to search through command histor
in bash , use the ctrl-w to delete last wrd, and ctrl-u to delete the all line. ctrl-e to move cursor to end of line. ctrl-k to delete cursor to the end line, ctrl-l to clear the screen
use the history to see recent commands. follow with !n to excute again. !$ for last argument and !! for last command.
use the cd to get directory, access files relative to you home directory with the ~ prefix, in sh scripts refer to eht home dirctory as $HOME
use the cd - can to go back to previous working directory
pstree -p is a helpful display of the process tree
use the pgrep and pkill to find or signal processes by name (-f is helpful)
use nohup or disown to keep running a background process forever
check what processes are listening via
netstat -lntp
orss -plat
orlsof -iTCP -sTCP:LISTEN -p -n
use the
for open sockets and files -
use the
to know how long time the system been running -
use the alias to create shortcuts for commonly used commands. for example
alias ll='ls -latr'
create a new aliasll
, save aliases, shell settings ,and functions you commonly use in~/.bashrc
put the settings of enviroment variables as well as commands tha should be excuted when you login in
in bash scripts, use
set -x
(or the variantset -v
which logs raw input, includeing unexpanded variables and comments) for debugging out
put , use stric model unless you hanve a good reason not to: useset -e
to abort on error (nonzero exit code) . useset -u
to detect unset variable usages. considerset -o popefail
too, to abort on errors withon ppes. for more involved scripts also usetrap
on EXIT or ERR, a useful habit is start a script like this, which will make it detect an abort on common error and print a message:
1 | set -e pipefail |
- in bash scripts, subshells are convenient ways to group commands, A common example is to temporatily move to a different working directory
1 | # do somethin in current dir |
- the output of a command can be treated like a file via
<(some command)
(know as process substitution) for example compare local /etc/hosts with a remote one:
1 | diff /etc/hosts <(ssh somehost cat /etc/hosts) |
a simple web server for all files in the current directory
python -m http.server 8888
for switching the shell to another user use
su username
orsu - username
the default username to root.
Processing files and date
to locate a file by name in the current directory
find . -iname "*something*"
to find a file anywhere by name, uselocate somethin
user the
grep -r
to search throuth source or date file. including -
to conver HTML to text:
lynx -dump -stdin
for markdown , HTML and all kinds for document conversion, try
, for example to convert a markdown document to word format:pandoc --form markdown --to docx -o tmp.docx
to handle XML ,it is old but good. -
for JSON use jq, for YAML use shyaml, for Excel or CSV files use
. -
you can set a specitic command;s environment by refixing its invocation with the enviroment var iable settings, as in
TZ=Asia/Shanghai date
date and time : to get the current date and time in the helful ISO 8601 format. use
date -u +"%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ"
, to manipluate date and time expressions , ue dateadd, datadiff, strtime. -
to operate on compressed fils.
System debugging
for web debugging
andcurl -I
are handy, or theirwget
equivalents, or the more modernhttpie
use the
wo show current cpu/disk status,iostat
use theiostat -mxz 15
for basic cpu and detiled per partion disk stas and performance insight -
can show network donnection details. -
for a quick overview of what’s happening on a system.
is expecially useful, for broadest overview with details useglances
to know memory status, run and understand the output of
, in particular be aware the cached values is memeory held by the linux kernel as file cache, so effectively counts toward the free value -
for looking at why a disk is full
saves time over the usual commands liedu -sh *
to find which socket or process is using band width try
tool is helpful for quick-and-dirty checking of web server performance . for more complex load testing. trysiege
for more serious network debugging